Pepper Pepper, 35, Multi-media Performance Artist, Drag Emcee
Portland, OR
Pepper Pepper, sheltering in place in Portland, OR
Aside from your creative work do you have any additional source of income?
Scratching by and hustling day jobs remotely currently.
Who do you live with and how do you feel about that?
I am so blessed to have a fantastic roommate I live with and a partner who lives down the street. The house feels smaller now that we are always here, but I'm grateful for this nest.
How are you spending your time?
I'm getting over being sick, not sure if it was Covid-19 or not because they don't offer tests unless you are in critical condition in my area. I've been keeping up on the news and social media too much. I've started making plans for a garden. I'm spending more time in my art studio being eaten by 100 hungry busted wigs and old costumes. I spend my time much like I would every other week except it's preparing to go out to nowhere. I am quite proud that I re-organized my basement art studio.
I make sure to make at least 2 calls to friends and 1 call to family each day. I also am checking in on my mutual aid networks via online.
How is the pandemic impacting you?
No one in my direct circle has Covid-19 yet. But I'm starting to see numerous cases in my secondary and extended circles. I have been sick with surprise Asthma conditions and chest pain for about a week. These symptoms are currently manageable and feel on the decline.
As a nightlife, theatre and cabaret performer ALL of my in person drag opportunities for Spring and Summer have been cancelled or postponed. All of my back-up plans to do extra shows and network with my community are unavailable. The financial impact is intense, but the social impact is stunning. Queer theatre, nightlife and community require in person social exchange to create a sense of safety and community. Social media is a powerful tool and digital shows are fun and novel, but to really embody and experience each other as part of our own being we need touch and proximity.
Furthermore this situation has made me realize how vulnerable we are to power structures which demand we bail out corporations and systems which actively keep us in or near poverty. The brunt of the work calling for human rights and support comes from working class and poor people, working up the chain past landlords to Banks which ultimately profit off a system of land (theft) ownership and resource extraction.
What do you want to accomplish personally and/or professionally during this time?
I'm trying to not define myself by productivity at this time. I will continue to draw, create video and performance based art. I will continue to read and watch just a bit too much TV. But, most importantly I will open up to communicating about mutual aid. I mean what have we got, a day, a month or a few months before it's a choice between pay rent and eat? I want to accomplish knowing who else in my community wants to actively care for each other.
What kind of world do you want to see on the other side of this?
I'd like to see myself on the other side of this with a lot more refined communication skills. My creativity isn't what is in jeopardy my ability to share that in person with my community is.
How can people find you and support you and your work (website, Patreon, etc)?
Cashapp $ThePepperPepper
PayPal: ThePepperPepper