Vu Ong , 45, Entertainment Photographer
Los Angeles, CA
Vu, sheltering in place and cutting his wife’s hair in Los Angeles
Aside from your creative work do you have any additional source of income?
Unfortunately I don’t.
Who do you live with and how do you feel about that?
I live with my wife Kacey Koeberer. Working together at home is pretty normal for us, so not much has changed. We also really enjoy each other’s company, so there’s that.
How are you spending your time?
I’ve never been able to understand how my mother could cook from morning til dinner. Somehow I have turned into my mother. My day is spent cooking and cleaning. Yes, stress cooking is a thing. Not sure why I need so much damn broth. Cutting my wife’s hair is something new. I also bought a sewing machine recently, so starting Monday I’ll be sewing masks for whoever needs them. Hoping to donate to local homeless shelters.
How is the pandemic impacting you?
I thought the biggest impact to me was going to be financially. In the last couple weeks I’ve noticed a lot of accusatory glances. Today as I was walking to my car, some random person drove by yelling out his window “f**king Chinese virus.” It’s hard enough to deal with all the uncertainties. It’s painfully reminiscent of childhood experiences and it reinforces a sense of shame many of us suffer from being raised in a nation that considers us outsiders.
What do you want to accomplish personally and/or professionally during this time?
I wish I was in a place in my life where I can turn this into some type of enlightenment. But if I have to be honest, I am just trying to keep my shit together. Managing my depression and anxiety feels like a full-time job.
What kind of world do you want to see on the other side of this?
I think I want what most people want. A better health care system, end to Trump, gig workers with better benefits, higher minimum wage, a better safety net for people living check to check.
How can people find you and support you and your work?
You can see my work at: